Post E-Health Platform – developer portal
Welcome to the integration and developer portal of Post E-Health!
Here you can find information to help you integrate with the Post E-Health platform (PEHP):
- Connectivity workshop: description and request form for a knowledge, Q&A and hands on session with experts from Post E-Health.
- Use Cases and workflows: to understand the basic concepts and start integration on your own.
- Administrative Process: to illustrate the necessary steps to integrate to a community-specific PEHP
- Code Samples and Interface Definitions to ease the first steps towards a successful integration to the PEHP and give an overview of how the platform is designed.
- Product Documentation including Release Notes: to keep you updated with changes made on the PEHP and provide a guide on how to use the user portal
- Contact form for all other requests.
The referenced documents describe the generic platform. Community-specific installations can deviate from those descriptions.
Information for development and integration in the context of the Swiss electronic patient dossier:
- Laws and regulatory aspects
- About technical interoperability in the EPR context
- EPR specifications
- IHE Technical Frameworks
- HL7 v3
For development and integration in the context E-Health B2B solutions:
Frameworks and Libraries
Frameworks and libraries that can be useful for your EPR project: